Algo Trading

Business Partner

Trustworthy & fastest growing stock broking company
Business Partner

Take your business to the big league by partnering with INDIRA GROUP. We understand and value the equation of our relationship, which is why we offer our Authorised Person, equal and independence status that our partner merits. That apart, we provide unparalleled knowledge and exceptional market analysis to keep you ahead of the curve, to the advantage of your customer. A partnership does not merely carry the backing of a leading financial services company but also the guidance of a friend and the advice of a mentor.


We aim at developing long-lasting relationships with our clients by assisting them with a special personal touch to create wealth through research based value investing.


To be a good professional, one has to be a good human being” is what we believe in. Our competency stems from our ethical practices and transparency in delivering what is promised.

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why indira trade

Back office Support

Back office Support

On-Line Back Office System Indira group has a tradition of adopting the latest technology and methodology of operational activities. the system is capable of delivering almost all types of reports required during post trade period.

Since our back office operation ( Trade Plus) is automated it is fully transparent and immediate responsive in nature.


We need to mention here that we have a separate training module for our Business Partner in which they will be trained about the Capital Market operation aspects and the back office operations under specific schedules.

Robust Infrastructure

Robust Infrastructure

Indira Group maintains the latest in the infrastructure which is capable of managing all the operational activities starting from the trading platform to back office operations, Research and Technical support. We maintain separate department for all key operational activities.

The infrastructure for each of these departments are made responsible for respective operations through a help desk which includes experts from all the Exchange segments to deliver services over phone on an immediate basis. We have been using infrastructure which has compatibility as per the Exchange guidelines. A back up support is always available which forms an integral part of the infrastructural support

Exclusive Research

Exclusive Research

Indira Group has a well defined objective towards research and analysis. We focus on finding out the best scrips for trading and investment through various modes of information like Intra-day Trading Calls, Positional Calls, BTST & STBT and Nifty Calls. The specific research reports are also broadcasted with respect to scrips which show indications of huge convergence and divergence or technical breakouts on intra-day basis from time to time.

Our Product Basket

Our Product Basket

Indira Group has a number of products to offer. The core services are Online Equity & derivatives trading through NSE & BSE . On-line Commodity Futures trading through MCX, NCDEX and NSEL On-line Currency Futures trading MCX-SX & NSE-CDS On-line Depository Services through CDSL The add on services are On-line services in Mutual Funds Life & General Insurance services IPO processing services Orientation Programs for Sub-Brokers and Clients

Online Platform

Online Platform

Indira Group provides on-line Trading platform to its Sub-Brokers at their premises. The interface is made available by way of VSAT, BRI, Lease Line & Internet. The online trading platform is based on ODIN software and our trading interface is through Indira Trader Terminal (Diet) Indira Investor Terminal ( Indira 24x7 e-Back Office Support

Research tools for our partner

Advanced Mobile Trading app

TradeInsta is a stock market application developed by Indira traders, one of it's kind for the erason that it can both be used by traders and investors. We have been priveleged to receive great reviews from users, peers and critics; giving the application the most coveted "Best Share Trading Application" Everything a stock market app should be and much more!

Prevent Unauthorized Transactions in your demat and trading account --> Update your Mobile Number/Email id with your Depository Participant and Stock Broker. Receive alerts on your Registered Mobile for all debit and other important transactions in your demat/trading account directly from CDSL and Stock Exchanges on the same day.........issued in the interest of investors...

1. Stock Brokers can accept securities as margin from clients only by way of pledge in the depository system w.e.f. September 1, 2020.

2. Update your Mobile Number & Email Id with your Stock Broker/ Depository Participant and receive OTP directly from Depository on your Email Id and/ or Mobile Number to create pledge.

3. Pay 20% upfront margin of the transaction value to trade in cash market segment.

4. Investors may please refer to the Exchange's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) issued by NSE vide. Circular No. NSE/INSP/45191 dated: July 31, 2020 and NSE/INSP/45534 and BSE vide Notice No. 20200731-7, dated: July 31, 2020 and 20200831- 45 dated: August 31, 2020 and dated: August 31, 2020 and other guidelines issued from time to time in this regard.

5. Check your Securities/ MF/ Bonds in the Consolidated Account Statement issued by NSDL/ CDSL every month.


  • 9 out of 10 individual traders in equity Futures and Options Segment, incurred net losses.
  • On an average, loss makers registered net trading loss close to ₹ 50,000.
  • Over and above the net trading losses incurred, loss makers expended an additional 28% of net trading losses as transaction costs.
  • Those making net trading profits, incurred between 15% to 50% of such profits as transaction cost

Dear Investor,
As you are aware, under the rapidly evolving dynamics of financial markets, it is crucial for investors to remain updated and well-informed about various aspects of investing in securities market. In this connection, please find a link to the BSE Investor Protection Fund website where you will find some useful educative material in the form of text and videos, so as to become an informed investor.
We believe that an educated investor is a protected investor !!!

"As per the directives of CDSL and esteemed Exchanges, it has been made mandatory for every client to furnish their latest KYC details viz. Valid Mobile No., Email- Id & Income range on or before 31.05.2021 else your Account will be marked as Non Compliant and will be Freezed till the compliance of such requirement."
"As per the directives of CDSL and esteemed Exchanges, it has been made mandatory for every client to furnish their latest KYC details viz. Valid Mobile No., Email- Id & Income range on or before 31.05.2021 else your Account will be marked as Non Compliant and will be Freezed till the compliance of such requirement."
"No need to issue cheques by investors while subscribing to IPO. Just write the bank account number and sign in the application form to authorize your bank to make payment in case of allotment. No worries for refund as the money remains in investor's account."
"No need to issue cheques by investors while subscribing to IPO. Just write the bank account number and sign in the application form to authorize your bank to make payment in case of allotment. No worries for refund as the money remains in investor's account."
"KYC is one time exercise while dealing in securities markets - once KYC is done through a SEBI registered intermediary (broker, DP, Mutual Fund etc.), you need not undergo the same process again when you approach another intermediary."
"KYC is one time exercise while dealing in securities markets - once KYC is done through a SEBI registered intermediary (broker, DP, Mutual Fund etc.), you need not undergo the same process again when you approach another intermediary."
Dear Investor if you wish to revoke your un-executed eDis mandate, please mail us with ISIN and quantity on by today EOD."
Dear Investor if you wish to revoke your un-executed eDis mandate, please mail us with ISIN and quantity on by today EOD."

INDIRA SECURITIES PRIVATE LIMITED (SEBI REG.NO.):NSE TMID: 12866, BSE TMID: 663, CDSL DPID: 17000 SEBI REG. NO.: INZ000188930, MCX TM ID: 56470, NCDEX TM ID: 01277, CDSL REG. NO.: IN-DP-90-2015, CIN : U67120MH1996PTC160201




Vimalesh Ajmera. Email: Call : 0731-4797275

Investor grievance complaint :


For Voluntary Freezing/Blocking of Trading Account you can mail us at or call us at 9109937435.