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Stock Market Blogs
FD vs Debt Mutual Funds | Tax Benefit Removed For Debt Mutual Funds
Indira Securities

FD vs Debt Mutual Funds | Tax Benefit Removed For Debt Mutual Funds


FDs (Fixed Deposits) and Debt Mutual Funds are both popular investment options that are considered relatively safe as they provide stable returns with low risk. However, there are some differences between the two:Returns: Fixed deposits offer fixe....

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Ipl 2023 business model | How BCCI and IPL make money?
Indira Securities

Ipl 2023 business model | How BCCI and IPL make money?


The Indian Premier League (IPL) is one of the most popular and lucrative Twenty20 cricket leagues in the world. It has a huge fan base, and each year it attracts top international players and teams from all around the world. The league is owned by....

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Mumbai Dalal Street's Financial History
Stock Market Trading

Mumbai Dalal Street's Financial History


Dalal Street is located in Mumbai, India, and is famous as the financial hub of the country. It is home to the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), which is the oldest stock exchange in Asia and the first in India. The street's history dates back to t....

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How to build emergency fund?
Indira Securities

How to build emergency fund?


An emergency fund is a designated amount of money that is set aside to cover unexpected or emergency expenses, such as a job loss, medical bills, car repairs, or a home repair. The purpose of an emergency fund is to provide financial stability and....

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How to make money management planning for couples
Indira Securities

How to make money management planning for couples


There are two types of couples. One who fight in the marriage till divorce or death make them apart. Other type is just like Virat Anushka or Narayan murthy Sudha murthy who pushes each other financially and morally to lead a happy lifeAs per a su....

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Smoking might make you loose money
Indira Securities

Smoking might make you loose money


smoking can affect the cost of your insurance policy, and it may cause you to pay more for coverage. Insurance companies view smoking as a high-risk activity that increases the likelihood of health problems and premature death. As a result, they m....

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Personal financial planning for beginners
Indira Securities

Personal financial planning for beginners


Personal financial planning is essential for everyone, regardless of their income level or age. Here are some steps beginners can follow to start their financial planning:Determine your financial goals: Think about what you want to achieve financi....

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Health Insurance

Why health insurance policy is important?


A health insurance policy is a type of insurance coverage that helps to protect individuals and families from the financial burden of healthcare expenses.Health insurance policies can cover a variety of medical expenses, including doctor v....

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Why everyone is talking about Bond Yield Curve?


The yield bend in India accomplished something freaky several days prior. It rearranged. It flipped around. It inclined downwards.At the point when the public authority attempted to get for 1 year, individuals requested to be paid 7.48% (the int....

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Blog Enquiry

Prevent Unauthorized Transactions in your demat and trading account --> Update your Mobile Number/Email id with your Depository Participant and Stock Broker. Receive alerts on your Registered Mobile for all debit and other important transactions in your demat/trading account directly from CDSL and Stock Exchanges on the same day.........issued in the interest of investors...

1. Stock Brokers can accept securities as margin from clients only by way of pledge in the depository system w.e.f. September 1, 2020.

2. Update your Mobile Number & Email Id with your Stock Broker/ Depository Participant and receive OTP directly from Depository on your Email Id and/ or Mobile Number to create pledge.

3. Pay 20% upfront margin of the transaction value to trade in cash market segment.

4. Investors may please refer to the Exchange's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) issued by NSE vide. Circular No. NSE/INSP/45191 dated: July 31, 2020 and NSE/INSP/45534 and BSE vide Notice No. 20200731-7, dated: July 31, 2020 and 20200831- 45 dated: August 31, 2020 and dated: August 31, 2020 and other guidelines issued from time to time in this regard.

5. Check your Securities/ MF/ Bonds in the Consolidated Account Statement issued by NSDL/ CDSL every month.


  • 9 out of 10 individual traders in equity Futures and Options Segment, incurred net losses.
  • On an average, loss makers registered net trading loss close to ₹ 50,000.
  • Over and above the net trading losses incurred, loss makers expended an additional 28% of net trading losses as transaction costs.
  • Those making net trading profits, incurred between 15% to 50% of such profits as transaction cost

Dear Investor,
As you are aware, under the rapidly evolving dynamics of financial markets, it is crucial for investors to remain updated and well-informed about various aspects of investing in securities market. In this connection, please find a link to the BSE Investor Protection Fund website where you will find some useful educative material in the form of text and videos, so as to become an informed investor.
We believe that an educated investor is a protected investor !!!

"As per the directives of CDSL and esteemed Exchanges, it has been made mandatory for every client to furnish their latest KYC details viz. Valid Mobile No., Email- Id & Income range on or before 31.05.2021 else your Account will be marked as Non Compliant and will be Freezed till the compliance of such requirement."
"As per the directives of CDSL and esteemed Exchanges, it has been made mandatory for every client to furnish their latest KYC details viz. Valid Mobile No., Email- Id & Income range on or before 31.05.2021 else your Account will be marked as Non Compliant and will be Freezed till the compliance of such requirement."
"No need to issue cheques by investors while subscribing to IPO. Just write the bank account number and sign in the application form to authorize your bank to make payment in case of allotment. No worries for refund as the money remains in investor's account."
"No need to issue cheques by investors while subscribing to IPO. Just write the bank account number and sign in the application form to authorize your bank to make payment in case of allotment. No worries for refund as the money remains in investor's account."
"KYC is one time exercise while dealing in securities markets - once KYC is done through a SEBI registered intermediary (broker, DP, Mutual Fund etc.), you need not undergo the same process again when you approach another intermediary."
"KYC is one time exercise while dealing in securities markets - once KYC is done through a SEBI registered intermediary (broker, DP, Mutual Fund etc.), you need not undergo the same process again when you approach another intermediary."
Dear Investor if you wish to revoke your un-executed eDis mandate, please mail us with ISIN and quantity on by today EOD."
Dear Investor if you wish to revoke your un-executed eDis mandate, please mail us with ISIN and quantity on by today EOD."

INDIRA SECURITIES PRIVATE LIMITED (SEBI REG.NO.):NSE TMID: 12866, BSE TMID: 663, CDSL DPID: 17000 SEBI REG. NO.: INZ000188930, MCX TM ID: 56470, NCDEX TM ID: 01277, CDSL REG. NO.: IN-DP-90-2015, CIN : U67120MH1996PTC160201




Vimalesh Ajmera. Email: Call : 0731-4797275

Investor grievance complaint :


For Voluntary Freezing/Blocking of Trading Account you can mail us at or call us at 9109937435.